
Start your shopping list. Pick it up in the store!

Pine Mountain Hardware has served this community for approximately 75 years, and has been at its current location since 1987.

We carry general hardware including plumbing & electrical supplies, paint, lawn & garden tools and supplies, fasteners, builders hardware, tools, and convenience lumber to service local DIY and home and business maintenance projects. Being in a resort town, we also carry items to meet tourists’ needs such as RV supplies, hunting items, and fishing necessities including live bait and other miscellaneous supplies. 

Pine Mountain Hardware is proud to be part of this community, and by sponsoring local causes and charities, Christian organizations, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Humane Society, we always strive to strengthen our bond with our friends and neighbors.

Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is always ready to go the extra mile to provide expert advice and support, no matter the project. 

Pine Mountain Hardware building
paint display
power tool display
power tool display
fastener display
live goods display
garden tool display
building products